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Florida goes ARCTIC…Ms. Madone takes on the Park Police

While waiting on the right weather window in Ft Pierce Florida – we took the opportunity get caught up on Cycon work, monitor every detail of the weather, and tour the local landmarks.

Local landmarks include:
– the Publix supermarket
– West Marine
– the marina laundromat
– Fort Pierce Inlet State Park

Which one of these sounds the most exciting? No, not the marina laundromat. Try the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. They charge $2.00 for bicyclists to enter the park…which is a small price to pay considering my need for endorphins. Once inside the park, I revved up my bike cadence, got locked into a delightful spin….and noticed a cop tailing me through the park. Was I doing something wrong? I paid the $2 entry fee. Curiosity got the best of me. I had to stop and ask “why are you tailing me?”.

What do you think the response was? Take this simple quiz:
a) I am biking too fast
b) I am biking too slow
c) They have never seen a bicyclist before
d) It is a slow day in the park…and not much else to do

If you guessed “D”….you would be correct! Glad I could provide entertainment to Ft. Pierce park police.

Back to monitoring the arctic weather in Florida…an excerpt below from the Weather Channel:

Across Florida, the weather was freakishly cold for a state that’s a winter respite for so many. There were snow flurries spotted in several parts of the state, as far south as Naples on the gulf coast. In Miami, the temperature was forecast to drop just below freezing overnight and threatened to break the record for low temperatures in the city.

In perhaps a bit of an understatement, Melbourne-based National Weather Service forecaster Bob Wimmer said it was an “unusual weather event.”

As the arctic cold began to ease in some parts of the nation, residents in northern Florida were under a hard freeze warning with temperatures expected to drop to 20 or below overnight.

In the Florida Keys, a tropical paradise where people usually pay attention to the heat index, a term more often reserved for Northerners was being used: wind chill. Gusts were predicted to make the air feel like the upper 20s.

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